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Rather pertinent question as it's 1st December and the new law on mobile phones has come into effect...


There's a little phone icon on the radio (standard one with CD changer in the rear on the Ghia) - so what does that mean the radio will do for me? B)


Anyone have any car kits to recommend and any not to recommend?


Cheers all, B)




Don't know about Ghias, I only aford a GLX!

Obviously depends on phone type but I fiited a Nokia CAK-91 kit 3 months ago (this takes the 6210 type phones and similar, although different versions are available for other Nokia phones). This is the proper kit, completely hands-free, wired into vehicle electrics and also mutes the radio. Typically


Quetion for KevinP,


How did you attach the cradle to the dash?


Did you use a facia bracket or screw the cradle directly to the dash?


Also where did you place the control box?






You can get pro brackets that fit on the vents

And the box hides under centre console



...or buy a bracket that you can screw into one of the blank switch covers on the console, then buy a new blank ready to swap over when you sell the car. I was amazed that the blanks only cost about

I have the Parrot 3000 which is bluetooth, and will work with any bluetooth 'phone


Wired into the radio with auto mute. You don't even have to take your 'phone out of your pocket, and the only visible thing is a small button on the dash to begin or end calls.


You can control it entirely via voice command too.


It works great.

Guest Andyjflet

In my Alfa I have the complete Nokia hands free kit which was installed by my company, you have to wipe the terminals every now and then cos of the dust but generally its great.


The phone compatable stereo from ford is simple, if you want the phone to come through your system then the display flashes PHONE and it mutes the radio or CD. Its OK but I used to get fed up with missing out on things I was listening to, like the news cos the boss rang every two minutes.


To Mussey 1, sorry for the delay in replying.......


How did you attach the cradle to the dash?

Did you use a facia bracket or screw the cradle directly to the dash?

Also where did you place the control box?


I bought a universal fascia bracket for

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